User Challenge of November

Hi there!

We’re happy to introduce our first User Challenge! :tada:
Are you ready to take your learning to the next step :up: and to get out of your comfort zone?! :sweat_smile: :muscle:

For our challenge this month :fallen_leaf: you need to:

:sparkles:Hit your study goal every week of the month :sparkles:

Can you do it? :nerd_face:

Don’t forget to comment below and to post a picture of your success :camera_flash: :trophy: at the end of the month to show us, the winner(s) will be offered a free Live Lesson! :woman_student::mortar_board::man_student:

Good luck!


I would love to know how everyone is doing with their Self-Study this month! I am sorry to admit, I will not win this challenge :slightly_frowning_face:.

What about you?? How many days in a row have you done?

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Ugghh I won’t win either, I already missed two days… I really tried though! I still want to try to do as much self study as possible until the end of the month. I feel like it helped me to establish a bit of a routine that I tried so hard to do it every day of November. So I wanna keep it up :slight_smile:


I went on holiday and had to give up learning German for a whole week! Too bad, I would have it my study goal 4 weeks in a row otherwise :slightly_frowning_face:
Can’t wait for the next challenge!

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I didn’t even do any Self-Study this month :scream:, just Live Lessons!