User Challenge of September 2021


Wunderbar! Well done for the user challenge of August!

Get ready to tackle something new with this month’s challenge:

:seedling: ​​easy :arrow_down:
What is your favorite idiom in the target language? Why?

:deciduous_tree: ​​difficult :arrow_down:
Can you use it in a real conversation with someone? Send us a video of you using it if you dare!


We can’t wait to hear all about it!


Auf Deutsch gibt es viel verschiedene und lustige Redewendungen. Vor kurzem habe ich eine neue gelernt und ist: Da steppt der Bär :bear: :man_dancing: :partying_face:. Ich finde es süß!


I can’t decide on a single one… so I have to share three :smile:

Ser un bicho raro”. :bug: - Literally: To be a strange creature. Meaning being a weirdo. It was one of the first expressions I learned when I moved to Buenos Aires, because the whole city was covered with an advertisement that said: “No soy un bicho raro!”

"Quién fue a Sevilla, perdió su silla." - Literally: Who went to Sevilla, lost his seat. Meaning: You snooze, you lose. I have friends who are from Sevilla, and every time someone mentions Sevilla, I have to think about this saying. I love idioms that rhyme!

"Más chulo que un ocho" - Literally: Cooler than an eight. :eight: Meaning: to be too cool, sometimes arrogant. I can’t help but wonder: why the eight? If you know the answer, please write a post! :rofl:


Those are cool :blush:. The second one can change depending on the places, for example in Colombia we say “Quién se va a Barranquilla, pierde su silla”. *Barranquilla is a city in Colombia :smile:.


My favorite English idiom is: “This is/is not my cup of tea.” Usually we drink coffee in Germany but I prefer to drink tea. So you can say, that the German way is not my cup of tea!


Hay muchos refranes en español pero el mejor es: Estar más sano que una pera. :pear:

No lo entiendo del todo, pero sentirme como una pera es algo gracioso. :joy:


My favourite German idiom is definitely “Die Daumen drücken”. We have (more or less) the same idiom in Afrikaans (duim vashou), so I do tend to use this one quite often.

My favourite English idiom is: “Spill the tea”.
This basically means spilling the beans, or telling someone the latest news when you have not seen them in a while. :upside_down_face: