User Challenge of September

Hello everyone!

September is already here, and it brings a new challenge :muscle:

Congrats to those who completed the last one, the tamales looked delicious! And don’t forget: if you didn’t put up your pictures, you can still do it :wink:

This month, we have an easier challenge for you:
:arrow_right:. Could you recommend a book in the language you’re learning: English, French, Spanish or German ? :books:
Don’t forget to write a short synopsis in the target language too!

We’re looking forward to your recommendations :sparkles:

We wish you a great month of September!


This one is difficult! A whole book?! I attempted to read Pippi Lang Strumpf, but the language used was very “old German” (is that a thing?) and so I never finished it. I would love a recommendation for another pre-teen/teen book I would be capable of reading!

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Does a magazine count, too? :wink: I very much like reading Écoute. It always has some additional vocabulary on the page that helps and the articles have different levels.

As an actual book I can recommend “Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran”.

Otherwise, I love bilingual books. They usually have the left page in German and the right page in English/Spanish/French (or the other way round). They are amazing, because if there’s any sentence you don’t understand, just can peek on the other side. The biggest publisher for this type of books that I know is “DTV zweisprachig”.


Thanks for the publisher tip @kjanina!

I don’t have a recommendation for a book that I have read in German, that is too demanding for me at this point. But I was listening to a translated version of Dörte Hansen’s Altes Land that I really like and recommend.

For my German studies I am looking for a magazine subscription and think I will try out Deutsch Perfect.

Right now I will have a look at what books DTV-zweisprachig offers!