„werden", „werden" or „werden"

Some of you maybe get confused when you see that the verb “werden” is used in German in three different contexts. But no worries, you’ll learn fast!

Maybe the most common use of “werden” is speaking about the future. Here “werden” means that an action is not sure, but a forecast, a probability or a possibility. Would you like some examples? Here they are!

  • Ich werde morgen nach Berlin fahren. Aber vielleicht bleibe ich auch zu Hause. (I’ll go to Berlin tomorrow. But maybe I’ll stay at home.)
  • Heute Abend wird es wahrscheinlich regnen, es gibt viele Wolken. (Tonight it will probably rain, there are lots of clouds.)

The verb “werden” is also used as a regular verb, meaning “to become” or “to get”. Here are some examples where it is used in this context:

  • Ich möchte gerne Arzt werden. (I want to become a doctor.)
  • Bei der Arbeit werde ich immer müde. (I always get tired at work.)

We also use “werden” to express passive, meaning that something is being done.

  • Der Boden wird geputzt. (The floor is being cleaned.)
  • Der Zug wird gefahren. (The train is being driven.)

Okay, now you are ready to make beautiful sentences in which we use “werden” in all of its three different meanings!

Wenn ich morgen mit dem Taxi nach München gefahren werde (passive), werde (future) ich viel lernen, um bald Ingenieur zu werden (to become)! :sweat_smile:


Hmmm I find passive with ‘werden’ a little tricky, especially when I try to use it in different tenses. But this is helpful! Thanks @SKrausser!

Hey @Kanelbullen,

yesterday we talked about this and I promised to write a post about the different versions of “werden” - well Stephan beat me to it and did a great job, too! :imma_star:

We also like to use the different versions of “werden” in a creative way, like in this (admittedly mean) German saying:

Wer nichts wird, wird Wirt.” (Don’t say this to a friend, who want’s to open a bar!) :grimacing:
It could roughly be translated as: “Somebody who can’t find a proper profession opens an inn.”

Of course there’s a fitting response, too:

Wer gar nichts wird, wird Gast und fällt dem Wirt zur Last.

(Und wem beides nicht gelungen, der macht in Versicherungen.“) :sweat_smile:

By the way, I sometimes catch myself day-dreaming of opening a bar or a cafe one day! I think there’s nothing wrong with being a good host. :woman_shrugging::v:


I knew the first saying (“Wer nichts wird, wird Wirt.”), but the other two not.
Anyway, they made me laugh :rofl:

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Haha, I love it! Thanks for this :blush:

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