What does the avg. tutor rating on the live lesson recording page refer to?

I see an avg. tutor rating together with all of my recorded lessons. I am wondering what this refers to - is this the rating the tutor gives me, or vice versa?

I have already referred to this page https://help.chatterbug.com/l/en/article/0k0on5pi7i-new-ui-chatterbugs-live-lesson-ratings and understand the number of stars represent the tutors’ ratings of individual exercises.

Thanks for your clarification!


Thank you for your question @learningdeu! This smiley refers to the average rating given by the tutor for the entire lesson (an average of all the exercises of this specific lesson) :slight_smile:


Hi @learningdeu :catbee: We are glad that our article helped to clarify your doubt :hugs:. Any further doubts please reach to us here in the forum at any time :happyllama:.


Thanks @Amandine and @27sp.sandra! I was asking this as for one lesson, I received 5 stars for all of the exercises in that lesson, yet the average is not great, so thought I would check how that could come to be, or how I can improve this grade.


I see :thinking: I think it could be helpful if you contact our Support Team. I’m sure they can take a closer look into it :blush:.