What on earth does this mean?

This is image contains a play on words. See if you can break down what ideas it is playing on. Answer the following:

  1. What is the original expression, and what does it mean?

  2. How might someone interpret “Don’t quit your day dream”?

  3. Why might an English speaker find the above meme amusing?


I dont know the answers but tell ussss pleaseee


I didn’t understand this meme (I’m not a native English speaker, of course :sweat_smile:!)
but i was curious and let’s cheer for Google :partying_face: :beers: -> I found this Link !

Now i find this meme very amusing :joy:
Do I get an award for my discovery now? :wink:

Good one! That’s great practice for English learners.

Here are my thoughts on this.

  1. When you aren’t very good at something, someone might say to you “don’t give up your day job” or “don’t quite your day job”.
    For example, if I stood on the street and started singing (badly) someone might say that I am not very good at it, and to quite my day job to begin a career in singing would be a bad idea. A very bad idea!

  2. This meme has joined together that idea with the concept of “day dreaming” when you lose concentration during the day. Often when you stare out the window thinking of something else when you should be working.

An English speaker might interpret this as “don’t give up on your dream”

  1. An English speaking might find this meme amusing because it takes two expressions and mixes them together, to create a new idea. It’s clever.
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Exactly, MarkyM:

An English speaker might find this meme amusing because it takes two expressions and mixes them together, to create a new idea.

I think a part of what makes the meme amusing is that there is a contrast between the idea of a ‘day job’ and the activity of ‘daydreaming’, the second commonly associated with underperforming and underachieving.

I think this meme captures a feeling that many of us have that being lost in thought is a positive thing, and, that, as the responsible owner of your mind, you should take it for a walk a few times a day :guide_dog:.