What should I learn?

@omar1992 asked me this question after our Live Lesson. Could you pleas explain @Janina how he should / can continue? He said he uses a pc.

Hi @Germanlady! :smiley: As it is the weekend, Janina might not be available. I am wondering, in which way do you mean this? Do you mean he is having issues or he is just not sure what to do next?

Best regards,


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Hi Ary,

exactly he doesn’t what to do next. What he should learn, practice etc…
Thanks for your reply. Have a nice Sunday :sun_with_face::wave:


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Hi again! According to his info, it says he has had two live lessons with Chatterbug. Naturally, it would be most suitable for him to continue doing live lessons and to use the self-study often to better his grammar, reading, and other skills. If there is a specific issue he is having regarding his access, it is best if he messages the team.

I hope I have understood and answered your question well!

Have a great weekend,



Thanks again Ary. Yes I hope this answers his question.
Have a nice Sunday :blossom:


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