A thing that I love in German (as well as in many other languages) is the huge variety of dialects. Although I live abroad for some years now, listening and speaking my own dialect (swabian) always gives me the feeling of “being at home”.
I know that it’s quite hard for German learners to understand dialectal expressions. But it can be funny to learn some of them. Locals will appreciate that.
Here are some beautiful examples of my dialect:
“A alde Kuah vrgissd gärn, daß se au amol a Kalb gwä isch.”
(Meaning: Old people always forget that they also have been young (and made their mistakes)).
“A Geizhals ond a fedde Sau senn erschd noch am Dod zu äbbas Nuddz!”
(Nobody likes miserly people during their lives.)
And my favorite (and the unofficial state slogan of Baden-Württemberg): “Mr kennet älles. Außr Hochdeitsch”
So, what’s your favorite German dialect and why do you love it?
#correctionswelcome (for the English part)