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How secure is my data at Chatterbug?

We take your security and privacy seriously. We scan our systems regularly for vulnerabilities, and we use providers that have a focus on security, including (but not limited to):

If you have questions about your data, or security at Chatterbug in general, we’d love to answer them. Please contact us at

Have an issue to report?

Please send any concerns or security reports to

We recommend encrypting your report with our PGP key (fingerprint: 6C54 29AE 9A9A FAC1), then emailing us the encrypted report.

You can encrypt it:

You will receive a response within 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience. Once the issue has been resolved, we will acknowledge your contribution here on our security page.

This form does not submit the report, it just encrypts your message with our PGP key. Please email the encrypted report to


We are happy to acknowledge those who responsibly disclose issues to us. Chatterbug is a more secure service thanks to the hard work of these security researchers: