German Grammar Explained /

Possessive articles: Part II

Hold on tight! Things are about to get very exciting in your German learning path! We are continuing with the possessive articles.
I don't know if I should be scared or excited.
Excited of course! We learned the singular forms not long ago. Here are the plural forms:
ichDas ist mein Vater. This is my father.
duIst das dein Vater? Is this your father?
er - MaxIst das sein Vater? Is this his father?
sie - JuliaIst das ihr Vater? Is this her father?
es - das KindIst das sein Vater? Is this his/her father?
wirUnser großer Bruder ist schon verheiratet. Our big brother is married already.
ihr - Julia und MaxArbeitet euer Bruder wirklich in Japan? Does your brother really work in Japan?
sie Wo arbeitet ihr Bruder? Where does their brother work?
Sie Ist das Ihr Auto? Is this your car?
Ugh, so many words to remember... Also, how can ihr mean so many different things? German is crazy!
I know, it can be a bit confusing at first, especially when you can't see it written down. Luckily for you, I’m going to break this down into a cute little list:
you (plural) Kommt ihr morgen? Are you coming tomorrow?
herIst das ihr Vater?Is this her father?
theirIst das ihr Vater?Is this their father?
your (formal)Ist das Ihr Vater?Is this your father?
Alles klar?
unser, euer, Ihr, ihr... Yeah, I think I can manage!
For the grammar-thirsty folks
If you haven't noticed, we have three different words for you:
Informal → du
Formal → Sie
Plural → ihr
you can also be an object, so we also need the accusatives:
I love you. → Ich liebe dich.
I love you. → Ich liebe Sie.
I love you. → Ich liebe euch.
Finally, we should also think about the datives:
I help you. → Ich helfe dir.
I help you. → Ich helfe Ihnen.
I help you. → Ich helfe euch.
The next time someone asks "How do you say 'you' in German?", you should say:
Du, Sie, ihr, dich, dir, Ihnen, or euch... it really depends.
And as you saw in the table above, ihr can also mean your, her and their!