About me:
My name is Bea and I’m from Valencia (Spain). I’ve been teaching Spanish for 3 years now and I’ve realised that it’s my passion! One of the things that I enjoy the most is to share the Spanish culture while teaching the Spanish language. I think it is crucial to keep a student motivated and there is no better way to do it than to tell them curiosities and fun facts about the language culture. They easily get captivated by the language and get curious to learn new stuff of a different culture.
Since I love discovering the world and experiencing new cultures , last year I decided to move to Germany in order to do a European Voluntary Service. It was one of the most exciting and enriching experiences I’ve ever lived! I had the opportunity to meet new people around the world, learn new things about diverse cultures and broaden my mind. Furthermore, I lived for 1 year in England during my University Studies and it was great! (I advise you all to experience some day these two enriching programmes
In my free time, I love baking and cooking. It’s my favourite way of relaxing. My speciality is tortilla de patatas. Many people confuse it with the Mexican tortillas for tacos and burritos, but the Spanish tortilla is made of potatoes, onions and eggs. It may sound simple, but it is delicious. There is a debate going on about adding onion or not to the tortilla. Was it originally cooked with onion or without? No one knows, but what I can tell you for sure is that with onion it is more succulent and tastier.
I also love spending time with my friends, getting lost in the forest,
taking care of my plants
, reading graphic novels
and playing table games or card games.
And, of course, I love travelling
and taking pictures with my analogue camera.
Those are more special and unique than the digital ones.
Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! My two mother languages are Spanish and Valencian/Catalan. This is because I grew up in a bilingual context. I also speak English and a little bit of German (improving every day ). In the future, I would love to learn Italian and Portuguese.
I would like to share with you a little bit about my hometown, Valencia, but I will do it in German.
Über meiner Heimatstadt:
Kennt ihr Valencia? Valencia ist eine der schönsten Städte Spaniens. Es bietet zahlreiche kulturelle und landschaftliche Möglichkeiten. Man kann mit dem Fahrrad zum Albufera fahren, einem mit dem Meer verbundenen See und einer der wichtigsten Naturorte in Spanien. Sein ökologischer Wert ist sehr groß, da hier Arten von großem ökologischen Wert gefunden werden. Man kann ein Bad an den schönen Stränden genießen und sich an den kunstvollen Graffiti und Straßenkunstwerken erfreuen, die man in den Straßen der Altstadt findet. Man kann die vielfältigen Museen besuchen, die am Wochenende kostenlos sind; der ideale Plan für einen regnerischen Tag, obwohl es in Valencia selten regnet, da fasst immer sonniges Wetter herrscht. Man kann die reichhaltige Gastronomie in den verschiedenen Bars und Restaurants genießen und natürlich sollte man nicht abreisen, ohne eine authentische valencianische Paella probiert zu haben. Valencia hat alles, was man braucht, um glücklich zu sein. Wenn du noch nie Valencia besucht hast, setz es auf deine Liste der Urlaubsziele!
Friendly reminder:
Learning a new language can be frustrating and challenging, but bear up, don’t lose heart! It’s a process and you are here to learn. With help and practice, you’ll master it in the blink of an eye.