Kristyna from Austria 🇦🇹

Current update:
Dear students,
Due to health reasons (post viral fatigue) I can’t offer German live lessons at the moment.

I miss you all and hope to start tutoring again sometime this year.
Kristyna :green_heart:

Hello dear German learners !
My name is Kristyna.

I am very happy to be part of the great Chatterbug team for more than 3 years now.
I enjoy working with people from all over the world and helping them as a native speaker on their language journey :blush:

I live in Austria and grew up in Vienna, the capital city of Austria. :blush:
I speak German, Czech and English. German & Czech are my mother tongues, as my mother is originally from the Czech Republic. So I grew up in two cultures and feel at home in both.

I’m also a certified hypnotherapist ( Rapid Transformational Therapy®) & can help you with self-hypnosis tools to be a more productive and motivated learner, overcome mental blocks/procrastination and to feel more confident and calm during exams and public speaking if you wish.

I am interested in many things, especially health, holistic well-being and spirituality has always been important to me.

It makes me happy to motivate people and help them to reach their goals.
At the same time, it is important for me to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and learns at their own pace.

I look forward to seeing you in a Live Lesson !

Greetings from Austria :austria: :sun_with_face:


Welcome Kristyna! What an interesting and diverse profile! I am sure you’ll have a lot to share with the students :hugs:

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Thank you Amandine :hugs:

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Hallo Krystina :blush: How cool to grow up bilingual! We are happy to have you here and I wish you lots of fun with your students :raised_hands:.

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Welcome to the Community, Kristyna! :dancer:

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Thank you :hugs: Happy to be here :star:

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Hi Kristyna,
nice to meet you :smiley:

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Hi @nyxtin :wave:
Here are two helpful videos with some grammar-explanations for the tasks in today’s German lesson.
I hope it helps you ! :+1:


Ahh, Akkusativ & Dativ. Sehr hilfreich. :+1:
Vielen Dank, @Kristyna! :blush:


Hi @nyxtin This is the print version of the book we talked about today ! :orange_book:
Maybe as an addition: BOOK 2


Hallo @SaraC2021 :wave: :slightly_smiling_face: Here you can see a more detailed grammar explanation of today’s Live Lesson question about when we use mir or mich in a sentence :arrow_right: ▷ Reflexive Verben & Reflexivpronomen — einfache Erklärung (mit Übungen)


I am having problems joining class for a while. Something is wrong with the app everything else works. I miss being in your classes. Ich bin traurig.

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Hi @christopherfoote :wave: :slightly_smiling_face: I’m very sorry to hear this. Recently, some other students have unfortunately also had technical difficulties in joining my studygroups in the Chatterbug app.
@Janina could you please help @christopherfoote with this or forward it to the support team? :pray:

Hi @christopherfoote, a few days ago, we just released a new version of the app. Have you already downloaded it?

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Hallo @Kristyna, Ich habe meine Deutschprüfung bestanden. :partying_face: :tada: A2 Sprechen, Hören, Lesen, und B1 Schreiben. Herzlichen Dank!! :pray: :blush: Ohne dich hätte ich es nicht geschafft. :sun_with_face:


Hallo @nyxtin :blush: Super gratuliere!! :tada: :sparkles: :tada: Ich freue mich für dich :star_struck: Toll gemacht :clap: Bis bald! Liebe Grüße, Kristyna

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Are the classes being changed

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Thank you. Just seeing your response today

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Hi @christopherfoote ! :blush: :wave:
Happy to hear from you. Unfortunately, the club function with the studygroups is no longer available in the streams app, I am sorry.
You can also book a private German lessons with me. :nerd_face:
Just click on the favorite button on my profile and you will see my availability in your calendar.

:point_right:Here is my profile where you can favorite me: Kristyna • Chatterbug

:point_right:Here is an additional guide if you need help with that: Live Lessons: How to Favorite Tutors.

Hope to see you soon :shamrock: Kristyna

hello kristyna i attend leacutre for you and i find that you are very good teacher that make me suscribe to the chatter bug
but unfortunatley i did not find lectrue with you all are booked i hope if you increase your lecture cause it help me alot
thank you
with all respect