Hello! @Germanlady any music tips to listen to while my foster child and I begin our sports journey with these folks? Kita 1 | Flug mit dem Albatros | ALBAs tägliche Sportstunde - YouTube
Hi @KarenR great that you found this link. Unfortunately I don’t know any current music for the age group of 3 year old children. Maybe @Janina can help out? I also asked my sister in law. She has two kids. I“ll inform you once I know more
Hi again @KarenR . My sister in law suggested either “Wellerman”
…or AC/DC ( her girls are 7 years old )…but she also suggested a “real” children’s song
FSK = freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmindustrie ( voluntary self-regulation of the movie industry)
@KarenR my niece loves „Deine Freunde“! (this song is also quite accurate regarding her “Omas Schublade”).