Reading : les bandes dessinées (comics)

A very playful way to read French is through :books: les bandes dessinées :books:. As with novels, there are different levels of difficulty but the advantage of comics is that you can use pictures to help you understand the plot!

Note: we translate bande dessinées as « comics » in English but the two are actually quite different in form and content.

In Europe, one country has been the precursor and leader of this literary genre: la Belgique :belgium: .
Most of the French-speaking comics you know are Belgian. The first one, Tintin , was created in the 30’s and for years, all the bandes-dessinées franco-belges will follow this model with pages with well ordered boxes (= des cases) and bubbles (= des bulles).

Here are a few names you may have already heard:

  • Les Schtroumpfs: :muscle: Funny little blue men living in community in the forest. You must know them but their name is different in each country : what are they called in your country?!

  • Lucky Luke: :muscle: A lonely cowboy who brings justice to the (parodic) Far West.

  • Astérix: :muscle: :muscle: The adventures of Astérix and Obélix and their small Gallic village fighting against the Roman invaders.

  • Gaston Lagaffe: :muscle: :muscle: A very clumsy anti-hero who prefers to invent funny things rather than work.

  • Blake et Mortimer: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: The adventures of two friends, one leading the British counter-espionage services and the other being an eminent scientist.

  • Thorgal: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: More recent. It follows the adventures of a Scandinavian warrior. It’s one of my favorites!

If the bandes-dessinées were originally intended for children, today there are BD for all tastes! New formats and alternative modes of narration have emerged… but I will talk about them in another post!

:bear_smile: Et vous, avez-vous déjà lu une bande-dessinée en français ? :nerd_face:
:owl: And you fellow tutors, what are your favorite classic BD?


How interesting! I didn’t know Tintin was created in Belgium :open_mouth: Thank you for the recommendations :hugs:.

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