Hahahahahahaha @MariaJSalmeron i love that word, specially when I found out that there is an equivalent in German
Der Schickimicki :
jemand, der sich betont modisch gibt, Wert auf modische Kleidung, modische Dinge legt.
And personally, my favorite words are kind of disgusting, it makes me laugh saying them. Also, I am Colombian, so I guess they are used differently in other countries or are the same words.
Pecueca : Bad foot odor.
Chucha : Bad armpit odor. This word is also use to describe a person, meaning they are bad. It is also used in other countries for very diverse things, you guys can take a look
Moco: Snot.I think this one is also very known, but in Colombia we also use it to describe a person that wants to be there all the time, someone very clingy.
And that`s it