Your favorite Spanish word

Spanish is a beautiful language, so I wondered what everyone’s favorite word is?

One of my favorites is “sobremesa”, which means the time after eating a meal when the food is already gone but you’re still sitting around the table having nice conversations.


@kjanina Some people in Colombia refer to the beverage you accompany your food with when saying “sobremesa”. :scream:


I agree with you: Spanish is a beautiful language. It is difficult to choose only one word. But, I would say I like “estrenar” so much, since I cannot find an exact equivalent in English.
It refers to the action of using something new for the very first time. Most of the times clothes.
In Colombia, some people like the idea of “estrenar” in December… so they buy “el estrén”. Which is the new outfit.


@kjanina My favorite word is “cucaracha”, I think it’s funny that the name of an insect is also the name of a popular song. :laughing:


Oh, it’s so difficult to choose just one word, so I’ll be posting more over the days, sorry! :rofl:

One of the most beautiful words in Spanish is apapachar, which is a word that comes from náhuatl and literally means “to caress with the soul”. We use it in the sense of “to hug”.
There is a similar verb, apachurrar, which means “to hug very closely”.
And these verbs are used as nouns as well, el apapacho and el apachurre :hearts:.


Hahaha, yes, @GeraldineMC! And the translation in German is also very good: die Kakerlake.


My favorite Spanish words, I’m sad to say, are swear words. I grew up watching Latin American telenovelas. They were very badly dubbed, you could always hear the original lines in the background, and everything was always so dramatic that I have this association with Spanish being a dramatic language. So when I swear in Spanish, it just feels punchier and more theatrical than saying something similar in French or English. I particularly love “Cabrón” because depending on who you say it to, in traffic to a bad driver or to close friends, the meaning changes completely :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


I admit I only like this word because I like serrano ham so much, but did you know that this word comes from the French “jambe” (leg)? I love leg sandwiches! :poultry_leg:


@stefanierambow, those are super pretty words, thanks for sharing. I’ll try to use them :smiley:


I also love sobremesa! I’ve also always been drawn to the word enamorarse. I think it sounds beautiful when Spanish speakers use it and the concept of it is also beautiful. It’s certainly more romantic than the English “fall in love”.

It’s also interesting to me that it’s so closely tied to the English word enamored or to enamor which isn’t about falling in love, but more so being filled with love.

Good stuff.


Speaking of bugs, I laughed when I learned garrapatas (tick) means claw-paws :paw_prints:

I also can’t pick a favourite word, but for now I’ll go with sueño. I learned it pretty early on while at school and it fascinated me because of how close it is to the Latin word for sleep, somnus.
I wondered, does that imply that dreams only happen when you sleep? I delved deaper and found ensueño which means daydream. So if you’re in dream, you’re daydreaming… but in English, insomnia means you can’t sleep. The mind boggles, so I’ll stop nerding out now :sleeping:


As people have said, it’s so difficult to choose one! There are so many!

One of my favorites is tiquismiquis. This adjective is used to refer to people who cares a lot about things of little importance. Normally is used to make fun of people :).
For example:

No seas tiquismiquis, no necesitas cuchillo y tenedor para comerte una manzana.
(Don’t be “tiquismiquis”, you don’t need a fork and a knife to eat an apple.)

I think with the pronunciation of the word you can actually guess its meaning :joy:, very onomatopoeic!

Are any of you tiquismiquis about something?? :nerd_face:


Yes, @GeraldineMC, it’s always important to apapachar the people you love :heart_eyes:!


Wow, learned so many new words with this article - thanks guys ! :star_struck:
One of my favourite words is chismografía, coming from the unformal verb chismorrear - to gossip.
It reminds me of geografía, and somehow an image of a big map linking different crispy informations pops up in my head when I hear it from my best friend ! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I like how people here use the diminutive. From “papito” to “chiquitito” (very small child), we make everything smaller.
The best one is a bus company called “El Condor”. But my neighbors say: “The condoracito comes soon”. So from “condor” first they make it bigger (“condorazo”) and then they use the diminutive “Condoracito”.
I just love it :wink:


Metiche - people who mind too much about other peoples business
Borracho - drunk people, I just love the sound of that. Haha
Mama Culeca - overprotective Mum
Chiquiado - spoiled child
Tolano - silly


Hey, @Lari1108, those are very interesting words! Where do you use chiquiado and tolano? :slight_smile:

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Hahahahahahaha @MariaJSalmeron i love that word, specially when I found out that there is an equivalent in German :rofl:.

Der Schi­cki­mi­cki :
jemand, der sich betont modisch gibt, Wert auf modische Kleidung, modische Dinge legt.

And personally, my favorite words are kind of disgusting, it makes me laugh saying them. Also, I am Colombian, so I guess they are used differently in other countries or are the same words.

Pecueca : Bad foot odor.
Chucha : Bad armpit odor. This word is also use to describe a person, meaning they are bad. It is also used in other countries for very diverse things, you guys can take a look :wink:.
Moco: Snot.I think this one is also very known, but in Colombia we also use it to describe a person that wants to be there all the time, someone very clingy.

And that`s it :rofl: :rofl:.


chiquiado means spoiled and Tolano is a nice way to say stupid hahaha.

Hehehe… but I meant in which country they were used? :slight_smile: