How To Make Your Tutor Introduction Video!

What to include in your video

Making a Tutor Video gives you, the tutor, the chance to introduce yourself to the rest of the Chatterbug community and potential new students. Do you have a passion for teaching and language learning? Maybe you’re currently traveling, and working as a tutor helps fit into your lifestyle. Or perhaps, when you’re not helping others learn a new language, you’re baking cakes, rock climbing or hanging out with your pet parrot.

Whatever it is that makes you, you, we want to see it in your video! Here’s a list of things you might want to include:

  • Your name, age and where you come from or live now.

  • What languages you speak

  • When you started as a tutor with Chatterbug

  • Why you love learning/teaching languages and what makes you a good tutor

  • What hobbies you have

  • Any interesting facts that set you apart from the crowd!

We ask that these videos are a maximum of 2 minutes long.

Video-making Tools

You don’t have to have professional video-making software or the latest camera to produce good quality videos. Below is a list of free resources to help make your video pop:


If you have a camera that captures video, great. But if you don’t, using your smartphone or webcam is just as good. Just like a Live Lesson, make sure you are in a well-lit room without too much background noise when recording.

Editing software

If you want to add text to your video, music, or simply join a few clips together, here are a few apps and free software you might be interested in:

Background Music

When adding music to a video, you need to make sure that the music that you are using is not in copyright. A great resource for finding free (and legal) background music is YouTube Sound Library.

There are tonnes of YouTube tutorials and articles out there to help guide you through making a video. Here’s one to get you started: How To Make a Video

Where and How to post your video

  1. Go to your “Tutor Introduction”
  2. Click the ‘pencil’ to edit your intro
  3. Click on the ‘up arrow’ in the tool bar
  4. Browse and upload your video or drag and drop!

*Make sure there is a space between the last sentence of your intro and your video so that the video shows up on your page :slight_smile:

Want some inspiration? Checkout this Tutor Video


Hallo Tori, wo kann ich den mein Video hochladen in meinem Profil? Best regards, Julia


Hi @JuliaIk,

This is how you can add a video to you Tutor Profil. You will have to edit your Tutor Introduction in the Community Forum:

  1. Open your Tutor Profile and click on “Edit your introduction post here” below all the text. By clicking on it it will lead your straight to your introduction post in the Community Forum.

  2. Once you opened your introduction post in the Community Forum, click on the little pencil, that is on the very right, next to the date when you published your introduction (watch out: not the pencil next to your name / the titel!)

  3. Edit your post and upload the video by clicking on this symbol here:

  1. Don’t forget to save it.